News that didn’t make the MSM.


stay human90 year old holocaust survivor is arrested in Ferguson after speaking out against Police Brutality.



Hundreds of people were injured in the federal capital as police battled throngs of protesters led by Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) Chief Dr Tahirul Qadri.

The protesters – demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif – were held back with tear gas, batons and rubber bullets outside the prime minister’s official residence and the adjacent parliament building.

After a night of clashes, protesters regrouped on Sunday and repeatedly clashed with the heavy deployment of security forces. Some 25,000 people marched on the prime minister’s house late Saturday after talks with the government mediated by the army failed to end the political impasse.

Do not listen to the news. Fourteen dead in Islamabad not three.

“These fuckers at the hospital are covering shit up. They’re saying 3 people died, all international media is saying 3 people died, that is a blatant fucking lie.

They’re saying one of the 3 dead died of drowning. You wanna know HOW that person died? They were fucking shot so they fell in a ditch where they “drowned”.

They’re saying the children you see at the hospital are there because their parents are injured not the children themselves. They’re twisting everything they possibly can to make it seem not as bad as it is even though there was clear video footage of injured children.”-


The True Trayvon Martin



  • He didn’t eat pork bc his father didn’t. Once his uncle fixed pork chops; they smelled so good,he called them “beef chops” & ate 1. 
  • He was passionate about aviation. 
  • When he volunteered at a soup kitchen for. The first time, he was astounded by the US hunger crisis.
  • He loved his little cousins birthday parties. Even as a teen, he wasn’t too cool for Chuck E. Cheese.
  • He was modest about saving his father from dying in a house fire. His father called him his best friend bc of it. 
  • Hoodies made *him* feel safe. Like so many teens (and adults), he wore them as a protective shell, a security garment.
  • He called his dad, “My ol’ boy.” Lord, how he loved his dad. 
  • When folks wanted to tease him, they said, “Boy, you too skinny to take a breath.” And he’d just smile. 
  • If he wanted to hang out with his cousins and they had chores, he helped so they could finish faster.
  • His uncle said they never had to ask him to do something twice.
  • At 17, he was still into BMX bikes. He could cat-walk wheelie.
  • The tattoo on his wrist read, “Sybrina.”
  • The tattoo on his chest read, “Cora” — his grandmother’s name.
  • I’m going to stop here. But just claim one of these memories I tweeted. Carry part of this boy with you, write him on your heart.
  • Write the beautiful details of all the black children you meet on your heart. That’s where they’ll be safest.
  • I feel like this stuff is important. 

All facts about Trayvon are from this Esquire article.


Someone shut down the GoFundMe pages for Officer Darren Wilson, but not before he is slated to receive close to half a million dollars. Its been over 22 days since he murdered Micheal Brown, and he still has not been arrested.



The decision was made on Tuesday after the Board of Immigration Appeals ruled that Aminta Cifuentes, a battered wife from Guatemala, would be allowed to seek asylum in the United States. The battle had been ongoing since 2005, when Cifuentes fled Guatemala and her abusive husband in search of asylum in the U.S. Her husband had beat her, raped her, and thrown paint thinner at her. Officials in Guatemala had not responded to her pleas to arrest her husband, so she fled across the border.

The New York Times reports that the decision to allow Cifuentes asylum came after a longstanding position held by the government was changed by the Obama administration, claiming Cifuentes as a part of a persecuted group. Battered women didn’t factor under refugee law, as their cases were all perceived to be individual incidents.

Via the New York Times:

Since 1995, when federal officials first tried to set guidelines for the immigration courts on whether domestic abuse victims could be considered for asylum, the issue has been reviewed by four attorneys general, vigorously debated by advocates and repeatedly examined by the courts. With its published decision, unusual in the immigration courts, the appeals board set a clear precedent for judges.

Women’s rights advocates have been arguing for years that under the legal definition of “refugee,” domestic violence counts as a form of persecution. Residents of other countries can seek asylum in the U.S. if they have a “well-founded fear of persecution’ based on race, nationality, religion, political opinion or ‘membership in a particular social group,’” the New York Times reports.

Though the law currently will only apply to women from Guatemala, it is expected that women from any country who are victims of domestic abuse will now be treated as refugees from persecution and will be eligible to seek asylum. The likelihood of getting approved, however, is still slim.

According to the report in the Times, last year, immigration courts approved only 9,933 asylum cases throughout the country.

Source: Dayna Evans for Gawker


Lillian Weber, a 99-year-old good Samaritan from Iowa, has spent the last few years sewing a dress a day for the Little Dresses For Africa charity, a Christian organization that distributes dresses to children in need in Africa and elsewhere.

Weber’s goal is to make 1,000 dresses by the time she turns 100 on May 6th. dress a daySo far, she’s made more than 840. Though she says she could make two a day, she only makes one – but each single dress she makes per day is personalized with careful stitchwork. She hopes that each little girl who receives her dress can take pride in her new garment.





Police Officer Will Not Be Charged For Killing Napster Exec While Texting And Driving — Because It’s Apparently OK For Police To Do That


Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy Andrew Wood will not be charged for fatally running over former Napster COO Milton Olin Jr. in his patrol car while the officer was typing a message into his computer.

The instance exposes the different way that law enforcement officials are treated versus civilians in cases where a person is killed because of texting while driving.

It’s illegal to text and drive in California; the state has a specific law against it. Civilians caught doing it can expect to face charges. But a report from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office shows that the rules may be applied differently to cops.

The incident involving Olin and Wood happened in December 2013 in Calabasas, California. Olin, a key figure at the peer-to-peer music-sharing company that pioneered the online music download industry, was cycling in the bicycle lane when he was killed instantly by Wood’s patrol car.

Wood drifted into the bicycle lane while typing a reply to a colleague who wanted to know whether any other officers were required to attend a fire reported at a high school he had just left. He was trying to tell the other officer that no further backup was needed.
The Los Angeles District Attorney’s report into the incident says that even though it is illegal to text and drive, Wood was not negligent because police officers are expected to respond quickly to messages from colleagues:

Read more here:








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